Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I need answers

I got many questions in mind about church, cg etc...whoever read this please leave some opinions to enlighten me as well as Bible Verses to support it..thanks

Q1. What is actually the main priority to focus in a cg? Spiritual growth or numerical growth?

Q2. Does the growth in numbers in the cg is equal to the growth of their spirituality as well?

Q3. If you know your leader is misleading in certain matters, should we just continue to keep quiet and obey? *Bible says must respect authority and kenot rebel against them* * BIble also says we should fear God but not man* So which one leh?

Q4. WHat would you think are the factors which will contribute to the growth of cg?

Q5. Do you agree that building each other spirituality takes time?

Friday, May 8, 2009


I am lost cox i dunno where i am standing in Christ

I am confused of what is Gods plan for me

I am discouraged and disappointed by the ppl ard me,

I am worried...

I am frustrated with myself

I am not a good cell grp leader...

I serve until it overwhelmed me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually..

I havent take my sabbath rest for months i think,

I just felt like quiting.....

How i wish i could just be a normal person....